Sound Cloud
A Podcast interview with Bob Cudmore from The Historians on September 9, 2016.
Task & Purpose
A Soviet Nuclear Torpedo, An American Destroyer, and the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Closest Call. In the Fall issue of Big Blend Radio and TV Magazine
Gary Slaughter memoir, riveting first-hand experience as a Cold War Naval officer
War History Online
Q&A with Gary Slaughter on July 9, 2016.
Veterans News Now
Sea Stories announcement on July 8, 2016.
War History Online
Sea Stories announcement on July 3, 2016.
The Silent War
BBC’s 2014 documentary film covering the role of submarines in the Cold War.
Shown on the BBC Channel.
Nashville Public Television
Nashville's Gary Slaughter on 50th Anniversary of Cuban Missle Crisis and "Man Who Saved the World"
SECRETS OF THE DEAD: The Man Who Saved the World
Bedlam Productions’ 2012 documentary film covering the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Shown on PBS stations and YouTube.
A Word on Words
Nashville Public Television's John Seigenthaler interviews Gary Slaughter on Cottonwood Fall. (The link provided is a downloadable MP3 copy of the Podcast.)